GreenGate Solutions

We digitalise your processes and make them look simpler.

Digital, individual and customisable solutions

Regardless of whether you work in the coldest places on earth or in a radiation protection zone and your equipment and facilities are not up to standard. Your everyday life is unique, your methods and procedures in maintenance are special. With over 20 years in the project sector, we know this and use this experience to map and digitalise your processes.

Every function, process and option in our software comes from practical experience. There is no need to change your processes. Our solutions adapt to your processes and support you flexibly.

Solutions for your processes


Is your maintenance still analogue?

Are you looking to map work processes and services efficiently and transparently?

Then you have come to the right place. With us, everything revolves around mapping your processes. We digitalise your maintenance simply and individually.

Digitalising processes is our core competence.

Digitalise your processes

Solutions for Industry giants

Maintenance with SAP©

We make it simple and possible:

A common business process and two views. Our software maps the technical view of the process and SAP® as a cross-system unit remains in the business view.

Data exchange takes place in real time between the two systems and is mapped by us through all necessary components and interfaces.

For example, business processes from PM, MM, HR, FI, CO or IS-U can be used together.

Learn more about maintenance with SAP

Future solutions


Action instead of reaction. In maintenance in particular, the proportion of unplanned actions due to events occurring is still far too high. Systems are often repaired or maintained only after a malfunction has occurred. With predictive and intelligent maintenance, faults or failures can be mitigated before they occur. For years, we have been researching and developing innovative technologies for this purpose, in order to be able to optimise maintenance and production synchronously with demand for the first time in the future.

In order to shape the future, we need to understand the problems and requirements of today. Thus, our development department works closely with stakeholders from business, industry and science and are additionally involved in numerous research projects.

In the maintenance and operations management software segment, it is not for nothing that we are regarded as a pioneer and trendsetter for outstanding solutions.

More about our research

Safe work solutions

Occupational safety

There must be no experiments with man and machine. Safety is a condition that must be maintained in the long term. Therefore, the prevention of accidents at work is enormously important.

We support you in managing this task with our software as well as through a competent partnership.

We not only support you in the planning and procurement of equipment, facilities and PPE, train and instruct employees, but also carry out safety inspections (e.g. of plants, gates, doors, ladders, steps and electrical equipment).

Work more safely

Analysis Solutions

Maintenance Maturity-Check

Are you familiar with these questions:

"How is our maintenance organisation set up?"

"What is the potential for improvement?"

"In which areas will further development bring the greatest benefits?"

Answers to these questions are provided by the analysis based on the "House of Maintenance". On this basis, potential for improvement is identified, prioritised and recorded in concrete measures.

To the maturity check

Solutions for your Hosting


Have you opted for our software solution for your operations management? Great. We offer you a further simplification and facilitation. With us hosting your software, you can now arrange for a further increase in efficiency. We take care of the hosting, giving you more freedom to organise your core tasks. In addition, this relieves the burden on your IT.

Learn more about our hosting

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Simply contact us.

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